Sunday, August 1, 2010


hello there
For this week we are likely to give some comment on the novel "adventure in Pangkor Island" by Jean Adnan . This novel is absolutely serve a exciting feeling to reduce a readers as it was full of attractive and action although the main character of this novel is kids .
This novel were about four couple of friends that go to the Pangkor Island for some holiday . Maybe from this we can get know why is the writer used "Adventure On Pangkor Island" as the main title . At the Pangkor Island they were stayed at the Hornball's nest challet with the "Pak Cik" and "Mak Cik" . This chalet is nearest to the beach . So , they able to go canoe always and this is how Lyn were being atttacked by the blackbeard at the evening after they were finished cannoeying . The blackbeard are broken Lyn's camera . Lyn then together with Pak Cik and Mak Cikgo to the police station to make a report . Kenny were peeping the hiding places of the blackbeard guy and together with the police make an ambush . Luckily , they are able to catch the blackbeard guy .
The word used in this novel is understandable . This novel is good to be read by the whole family as it teach us to being the loyal and always protect the people that we love . Besides that , it teach us to tolerate with other people and always the goodness will win the beatle...

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