Friday, August 13, 2010



We meet again for this week.. … Hope you’re not bored to read all out of our interesting talented in write on blogger maybe.

What we all want to present for this week is totally different from others week because this week we want to show up our ability in making investigation… Just joking…. What I tried to say is we’re not tell you about love and love , adventure as what we’ve done before this… But this week is about mysterious... This story really stolen my heart until I’ve made decision to borrow it from “Perpustakaan Al-Bukhari”…hehehe..

I come to you mystery even you’re not come to me…

~so sad..

The first special about this book is written from same author of Princess Diaries …. Have you still remembered that story??? Not??? Huh!! How can you forget that famous story?? What I care if you forgot or remember about Princess Diaries because we’re now talking about this mysterious novel… hehe…No more romantic , no more Princess Diaries , but mystery… My dear readers, have you noticed that I didn’t mention the title of this novel on the top of my new page this week???? J ….That’s why I called this week is mystery week.. hahaha…Let’s me tell you the title of that novel is MISSING ~THE LIGHTNING STRIKES~ …..

What missing?? When missing?? How it happen?? Relax..Cool..Be patient person please…This is Ramadhan’s month….make more patient in our life okay???hehehe… How suspend you’re to know about this story my dear reader???? hehe ..

Let’s go to our main topics …..M.I.S.S.I.N.G……..tik tok…Tik tok…Tik tok…anybody home?????


The mysterious is starting when a girl that have a nice name,Jessica or her nick name,Jess was hits by a storm and she is struck by lightning!!!Ouch,really hard to imagine it!!!!!! I think that’s why all mother in this world will scold their children go out during raining….hahahaha..If they’re reading this novel , I don’t know what they trying to do when raining and lightning…hahahaha….

But if we are strucking by lightning , we’re will die perhaps…...Or our skin will turn to black and our hair become “big” and “beautiful”….in this case is totally different …..It’s because nothing happened to Jess…its really true..Jess got special ability when she is strucking by the lightning …She have a special ability …she can physically home in on missing children that she sees on the backs of milk cartons…. She starts her investigation by dialing special number one by one….how smart she are!!!!!huh!!!i’m really lucky girl if I have special ability like her…but ………

she likes a SUPERWOMAN……NOT SUPERMAN okay!!!So to all boy out of there , stop your mouth for talking that girl can’t be like superman!!!!!!!hehehehehe....

With used all of her ability , she success save that children…What’s the problem now , is about the children …the mother of that children take away the children to stay with her…but , the father of that children didn’t know that his wife have hide his their daughter….but the children’s father is cruel…but , that man know about that finally ….as he as cruel man, he have lock his own wife…this makes Jessica really blame herself…She try to help the woman, with all of her effort……….

Then , the bigger problem come……the military of US involved in this case…..So many problem the she faced by herself..Jess must save this secret from her family to make sure her family in save condition………..

Finally , Jess success face the problem and everything going ok…..

This show , woman can do what they really want….and nothing impossible in life….

So , start now I want be like a Jess…a strong girl and really appreciate about what she got…..the important is using the ability in right way……

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